News & Insights

Insights | Attracting Capital from International Investors
‘How do I export my IP out of South Africa?’ This is a question that the IP Live team have been asked a number of times. The answer, unfortunately, is that is is not as easy as on might have thought. The Currencies and Exchanges Act, 1933 (“the Act”) prohibits the export of any capital […]
May 26 2016

On 28 March 2016, the new Regulations relating to the Classification, Packing and Marking of Dairy Products and Imitation Dairy Products Intended for Sale in the Republic of South Africa (“the Regulations“) came into effect. The Regulations were issued by the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (“DAFF”), and repeal the previous Dairy Products and Imitation […]
May 18 2016

The Please Call Me Judgment | Breakfast Seminar
On 09 June, Adams & Adams had the pleasure of welcoming Pavlo Phitidis Aurik Business Accelorator to join a panel discussion with Darren Olivier Partner and Ashlin Perumall Senior Associate about the implications of the ‘Please Call Me’ judgment for businesses in South Africa.
May 18 2016

Innovation Focus #2: WizzPass™
Innovation Focus #2: WizzPass™ are South Africa’s only representative on the Barclays Accelerator (powered by Techstars) WizzPass were recently selected to participate in the Barclays Accelerator (powered by Techstars) and are based in Cape Town for three months of mentorship from specialists in the fintech sphere. Applications were received from over 45 countries and only 10 companies were selected. […]
May 17 2016

KingIV Draft Report Analysis
The Institute of Directors Southern Africa (IoDSA) and the King Committee recently invited public commentary on the draft King IV Report on Corporate Governance for South Africa. As a proud partner and sponsor of this Report, Adams & Adams hosted a commentary session in Sandton recently. The Report is the fourth edition, setting out the […]
May 16 2016

Please Call Me | A case study on how to protect an idea
The almost hundred page judgment from the constitutional court makes for exciting, and laborious reading – at least to an IP attorney. Exciting in the sense that it documents a brilliant idea coming from a modest yet determined man in the accounting department of a telecoms behemoth and his fifteen year battle for justice all […]
May 10 2016

Philanthropy's Purple Rain - Protecting Brands of Non Profits
The front page headline in the Wall Street Journal a few years ago stated boldly “Charity Brawl: Nonprofits Aren’t So Generous When a Name’s at Stake” referring to the stinging criticism received by a celebrated charity for enforcing their rights over part of their name. The palaver prompted a retort from Dan Pallotta, renown philanthropist […]
May 10 2016

Download Franchising Brochure
EXPERT FRANCHISE LEGAL ASSISTANCE Strategic structuring and set up of franchise systems Protection of intellectual property including: registration of trade marks/brands copyright advice patent and design advice know how and trade secret advice Advice on the Consumer Protection Act Preparation of business focused competent franchise agreements Review and updating of disclosure documents Auditing and updating […]
April 21 2016

Beyoncé may have drawn further attention to his name when she endorsed his luxury designs in a blog post on Saturday, but Laduma Ngxokolo says the brand boost is only one step in the right direction. These were his comments to John Robbie on 702 after being asked about the ‘shout out’ by the pop […]
April 14 2016

David Bowie | IP Trailblazer - Presentation
David Bowie –Artist, Renaissance Man and IP Maestro. The man of many names, faces and alter egos such as Ziggy Stardust, the Alienated Alien and the Master of Reinvention was also an IP Trailblazer who left us with groundbreaking insights on IP protection and asset development in the music business. On 14 April, leaders in the […]
March 28 2016

Is IP a thread in Gordhan's Gordian Knot?
This article entitled “What can we expect in Gordhan’s Budget” published by Independent Online and citing Bloomberg as author predicts a difficult speech for the Finance Minister who needs “must contend with dwindling revenue as commodity prices plunge, the worst drought in more than a century and slowing economic growth”. There is of course no […]
February 23 2016

Bowie Bonds and Stardust Savvy
HOW DAVID BOWIE CHANGED THE MUSIC BUSINESS | During his larger than life career in music that spanned more than four decades, he was dubbed Rock ‘n Roll’s greatest chameleon and also the Master of Reinvention. He was inducted to the Rock ‘n Roll Hall of Fame in 1996. A true Renaissance Man, Bowie was […]
February 10 2016

The events surrounding the controversial racial remarks published on the personal social media accounts of various well-known offender
January 26 2016

The Institute of Directors in Southern Africa (IoDSA) and the King Committee has invited public commentary on the draft King IVTM Report on Corporate Governance for South Africa 2016. As a proud partner and sponsor of the King IVTM Report, Adams & Adams will be conducting commentary sessions in May. The King IVTM Report is the fourth edition, setting […]
January 18 2016

Power FM Interview | Ideas for protecting your ideas when pitching for business or investment
PowerTalk | PowerFM’s Iman Rappetti talks to A&A’s Darren Olivier about ways of protecting your ideas or your inventions when making presentations to potential investors or clients.
November 10 2015

In this case Cochrane Steel Products sought an interdict against the M-Systems for bidding on its brand name CLEAR VU as a Google Adwords search keyword. The applicant did not have a trade mark registration for its mark and accordingly relied on unlawful competition. Specifically, it alleged passing off and a new species of unlawful competition, […]
October 29 2015

Power Talk Interview | Intellectual Property & Creating Value out of Heritage
PowerTalk | PowerFM’s Iman Rappetti talks to A&A’s Darren Olivier about IP and protecting and nurturing our Heritage. Also joining the conversation are the Steve Biko Foundation, the Nat Nakasa Foundation and the Victor Ntoni Foundation.
September 22 2015

Power Talk Interview | Street Art & Intellectual Property Protection
PowerTalk | PowerFM’s Iman Rappetti talks to A&A’s Darren Olivier about the struggle by Street Artists who don’t know how to protect their designs and creativity.
September 07 2015