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Select the People Categories
Femke van Dyk
Partner | Trade Mark Attorney
Gérard du Plessis
Partner | Trade Mark Attorney
Gerrie Kruger
Associate | Attorney
Gizela Lombard
Associate | Attorney
Godfrey Budeli
Partner | Trade Mark Attorney
Grégor Wolter
Partner | Commercial Attorney
Hashiem Logday
Associate | Attorney
Helgard Janse van Rensburg
Partner | Commercial Attorney
Jac Marais
Partner | Litigation Attorney
Jamee Boodoo
Associate | Attorney
James Davies
Partner | Patent Attorney
Jan-Harm Swanepoel
Partner | Trade Mark Attorney
Jani Cronjé
Partner | Trade Mark Attorney
Janice Galvad
Partner | Patent Attorney
Jared de Canha
Associate | Trade Mark Attorney
Jean-Louis La Grange
Senior Associate | Litigation Attorney