Uganda hosts Africa’s First Women in IP Conference

The African Intellectual Property Organisation (ARIPO) together with the Uganda Registration Services Bureau (URSB) held the inaugural conference on Women in Intellectual Property in Kampala, Uganda.

The 3 day conference, which took place between 28- 30 August 2024, hosted guests and speakers from several ARIPO countries. Notable speakers included Bemanya Twebaze, the Director General of ARIPO, and her Excellency Jessica Alupo, the Vice President of Uganda.

The main objective of the conference was to provide a platform to discuss strategies for a more equitable landscape, recognising obstacles to the participation of women in the field of IP and deliberating strategies to get past these challenges. Representatives from ARIPO, the Innovation and Intellectual Property in Africa (AfrIPI) and URSB highlighted national and regional commitments to gender equality in IP and the critical role that women can play with respect to innovation, emphasizing how inclusive policies can drive economic growth and the advancement of society. Important discussions were held around the gender gap in IP, the socio-economic factors contributing to this gap and its implications for the reduction of poverty and sustainable development.

The Director of the Uganda IP Office presented on the functions of URSB, and its initiatives to support IP registration. Other presentations focused on the economic benefits of effective IP strategies for SMEs with examples from the music industry, fashion, and technology sectors, illustrating how IP rights can help protect innovations and boost competitiveness.

The conference included panel discussions and peer learning sessions in which participants shared their own experiences with IP registration and brand building. These interactive sessions fostered conversations around marketing strategies, navigating legal hurdles, and leveraging partnerships to enhance visibility and market access.

The Women in IP Conference is an important platform for discussing and addressing gender disparities in the intellectual property landscape across Africa.

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