Intellectual Property
Inventions are key to innovation in all sectors, get the most out of them by securing patent rights for these valuable assets.
Copyrights ensure that work which is created, such as film or a computer program, is protected and monetised correctly. Preventing unauthorised use of such a work is an important part of any successful endeavour.
The trade mark is often the first thing a customer or client will see about a business or organisation. First impressions are recognisable and protected.
The design of a product is often as important as the product itself. Register a design of a product to protect it for up to 15 years from unauthorised use.
New varieties of plants can and should be protected and commercialised by obtaining a plant breeder right. A plant breeder’s right is intellectual property which ensures innovation and profit in the agricultural sector.
Africa is a vast continent, which is often underestimated, both from a business, but also from a brand protection perspective. There are challenges such as poor legislative framework, an unharmonized legislative landscape, unmonitored or porous borders, weak enforcement, limited resources and a lack of political will in some cases. However, they are not insurmountable. It is possible to effectively address the counterfeit goods trade by partnering with a legal team familiar with the landscape and navigate around those challenges.

New Plant Health Act to regulate plant pests
The recent publication of the Plant Health (Phytosanitary) Act 35 of 2024 is expected to herald significant changes in South Africa’s approach to the management of plant pests. The Act replaces part...
January 16 2025

Dealing with trade mark infringements on third party websites
We currently live in the internet age, an age where a great deal of economic activity is conducted online. Nowadays, most businesses have some form of online presence in the form of websites. This is ...
December 13 2024

Protecting well-known rights in the absence of deception and confusion.
Introduction Trade marks are meant to differentiate your goods or services from the goods or services of a third party. Sometimes, third parties may seek to take a short cut and turn a quick profit by...
November 07 2024
How can we help you?
We have offices in four major cities in South Africa: Pretoria, Johannesburg, Cape Town, and Durban. Additionally, we have 23 associate offices in the rest of Africa, the firm serves as a gateway into Africa for IP clients. Please contact your nearest office for any legal enquiry or assistance.