Copyright exists automatically upon the creation of a work, provided it is a category of work recognised and protected by the Copyright Act, and no registration is needed or, indeed, possible. The only exception is motion pictures or films, which can be registered by contacting one of our copyright lawyers.
We are able to assist with clarifying the various rights of copyright. By working with you, our copyright lawyers afford an extra level of confidence. This gives you the space and time to create, knowing that your rights will be defended in respect of:
- Literary works, whether manuscripts, lyrics or policy documents
- Musical works, which is the musical notation
- Artistic works, which extend beyond the conventional to architectural and engineering drawings
- Motion pictures/films, including documentaries and television commercials
- Sound recordings, which is generally the master recording
- Broadcasts
- Programme-carrying signals
- Published editions
- Computer programs, including mobile applications
- Computer generated works, such as those made through artificial intelligence.
Contact One of Our Protection Law Professionals
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How can we help you?
We have offices in four major cities in South Africa: Pretoria, Johannesburg, Cape Town, and Durban. Additionally, we have 23 associate offices in the rest of Africa, the firm serves as a gateway into Africa for IP clients. Please contact your nearest office for any legal enquiry or assistance.