Towards the end of August, Eugene Honey, Lebo Mosala and Menzi Maboyi travelled to Gaborone to visit Desai Law Group, our Associate Office, Akheel Jinabhai & Associates, one of our local partner firms and the Companies and Intellectual Property Agency (CIPA). With our Associate Office, discussions centred around the transfer of matters still reflecting Collins Newman as the address for service, the development of the Copyright Tribunal and possible revisions to certain aspects of the agreement between the two firms.

At CIPA we met with Mr Timothy Moalusi, the Registrar, and Ms Malebogo Selemogo, the Asst Registrar. We were updated on the digitization project and the launch of the online filing system in October.


IP Admin Officer
L-R: MenM, EH, LM, Mr Tim Moalusi (Registrar), Amber Randall (DLG, Legal intern), Tshepo Raditante (DLG, IP Assistant), Chikondi Banda (DLG, Associate) and Malebogo Selemogo, (Asst Registrar)