In September, Adams & Adams Partner, Simon Brown, Snr Trade Mark Administrator, Frank Mosekwa, and Africa Practice Manager, Menzi Maboyi, travelled to Windhoek to visit our Associate Office, another local partner firm and the Business and Intellectual Property Agency (BIPA). At BIPA we met with Ms Vivienne Katjiuongua, the CEO and Ms Ainna Kaundu, the IP Services Executive. We were taken on a tour of the building and met with the rest of the IP team.

Construction engagements gave us a better understanding of the process followed in reviewing IP applications. We are appreciative of the good working relationship with BIPA and continue to support their plans to improve aspects of the service offering to their customers.


Zimbabwe Associate Office
SBB (centre) with Ms Vivienne Katjiuongua, BIPA CEO (between SBB and Frank) and Ms Ainna Kaundu, the IP Services Executive (blue top)