The Unusual Crammer™ 2020

An Adams & Adams Original

It’s been an unprecedented year to say the least, with many unusual obstacles coming to the fore. But with every obstacle we are provided with an opportunity to learn, re-evaluate and adjust, which is exactly what we have had to do within the legal profession.

Unusual times call for an unusual event

This is not your typical law conference. Usually Crammer™ takes place over the course of one morning and you would have to deal with traffic in order to attend, but we are not living in usual times and this is not the usual Crammer™.
It’s all UNUSUAL!


What are the unusual learning from 2020?

That is exactly what we are going to explore at this year’s Crammer™. Take advantage of a years’ worth of unusual legal learnings, insights and knowledge delivered in an unusual way!

What is unusual Crammer™?

Greater emphasis on identifying and distilling key learnings for you and integrating them into learnings throughout the week. Instead of a single MC, we have made use of a team of facilitators to assist in this process. We recognise that the presentations are but a catalyst for learning that will happen through interaction with the audience both on the day and afterwards. The facilitator role will be to ensure that these learnings are summarised for you and that sessions are integrated, allowing for a more meaningful educational and enhancing your experience. This is not intended to be a series of webinars but an integrated learning experience.

Why should you attend?

Crammer™ is aimed at enabling you to harness the unusual learnings from this year and strengthen your legal outlook going into 2021. Not only will you gain critical insights during these daily virtual sessions, but you will also have the opportunity to engage in key conversations with experts in their fields and continue these topical discussions in the weeks to come.

Who should you attend?

This virtual conference is a critical free resource for anyone involved in the legal field, including but not limited to:

  • Inhouse legal counsel
  • Executives primarily responsible for legal issues
  • Entrepreneurs
  • Instructing lawyers or paralegals


During the week of 12 – 16 October 2020 you will be given the opportunity to take advantage of a years’ worth of unusual legal learnings, insights and knowledge delivered in an unusual way!

Through condensed, bite-sized sessions our team of experts will arm you with insights and key takeaways related to major legal themes and trends from the past year. These topics include the rise of an unusually agile and flexible workforce, unusual opportunities for businesses and industries, as well as unusual innovation.

Event Recordings

Monday – These Unusual Times

How have companies, law firms, and courts responded to the global pandemic?

We would appreciate your feedback on this year’s unusual event.
Please CLICK HERE to complete a short questionnaire regarding the Monday Event.

Please note this survey will close
on 23 October 2020

Tuesday – The Unusual Workplace

How can you navigate the legal pitfalls of an agile and remote workforce?

We would appreciate your feedback on this year’s unusual event.
Please CLICK HERE to complete a short questionnaire regarding the Tuesday Event.

Please note this survey will close on
23 October 2020

Wednesday – Unusual Circumstances

The effect of legal obligations in a year of unusual and unforeseen circumstances.

We would appreciate your feedback on this year’s unusual event.
Please CLICK HERE to complete a short questionnaire regarding the Wednesday Event.

Please note this survey will close on
23 October 2020

Thursday – Unusual Opportunities

Uncommon obstacles pave the way for unusual business opportunities.

We would appreciate your feedback on this year’s unusual event.
Please CLICK HERE to complete a short questionnaire regarding the Thursday Event.

Please note this survey will close on
23 October 2020

Friday – Unusually Private

The law in relation to your private life and the closing of the Unusual Crammer™ 2020.

We would appreciate your feedback on this year’s unusual event. Please CLICK HERE to complete a short questionnaire regarding the Friday Event.

Please note this survey will close on
23 October 2020

The New Reality of Work…

It’s hard to believe 6 months have elapsed since our first “Work from Home” survey that was carried out soon after lockdown in April this year. We subsequently decided the timing was right for a follow up survey, to see if people’s views on working from home have altered or have remained much the same.

Additionally, we decided to add other expert voices and viewpoints to the conversation. This time we have collaborated with Adams & Adams who look at the legal and intellectual property considerations of working from home, and People Beyond who cover the human behavioural factors in this new world of work.

Over the last 6 months we’ve been fortunate to gain incredible insights and ideas about how we can blend the best of work from home experience with a re-imagined workplace of the future. But to continue to remain relevant to our clients we feel it is vital we continue to research and look at what the design and function of the future workplace will be.

To us what matters most is whether it is a “hybrid office” made up of a combination of home and physical office, or “work near home” / neighbourhood / “spoke” spaces linked to a central “hub” office, it must cultivate a feeling of connectedness.

Adrian Davidson, Design Director & Co-Founder Savile Row Tailored Environments