
The International Classification of Goods and Services (Nice Classification) is applied.

An application may cover any number of goods and/or services and any number of classes, but may cover only one trade mark.

Convention priority

Although Ethiopia is not a member of the Paris Convention, the Proclamation expressly provides for priority to be claimed, provided the application in Ethiopia is filed within six months from the date of the first-filed foreign application.


The Ethiopian Intellectual Property Office (EIPO) examines the application as to form and substance. If the application is found to be acceptable, a notice inviting opposition is published in two newspapers in English and Amharic.

If no opposition is lodged (see the section on Opposition below), a registration certificate is issued.


Opposition may be lodged within 60 days of publication. The EIPO is empowered to grant an extension of up to 60 days, from the expiry of the initial opposition period.

Duration and renewal

The period of protection is seven years from the date of submission of the application for registration. The registration may then be renewed for consecutive periods of seven years, subject to the payment of renewal fees.

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We have offices in four major cities in South Africa: Pretoria, Johannesburg, Cape Town, and Durban. Additionally, we have 23 associate offices in the rest of Africa, the firm serves as a gateway into Africa for IP clients. Please contact your nearest office for any legal enquiry or assistance.