Listen to IPLive on Episode 1 – Trade Secrets and Coca-Cola
The IPLive team collaborated with the to produce a series of podcasts on IP law. The goal of the series is to make IP more accessible and understandable. We’re also hoping that our parents begin to understand what it is we do here too.
We hope you give it a listen and give us some feedback on Twitter on the hashtag #ipliveblog.
by IPLive

Partial Patent Waiver for COVID-19 vaccines
Participating countries attending the 12th Ministerial Conference of the World Trade Organization (WTO) in Geneva, Switzerland reached an agreement on 17 June 2022 to partially waive intellectual prop...
August 02 2022

Bittersweet Symphony IP dispute resolved
The dispute that first piqued my interest in intellectual property law was between The Rolling Stones and The Verve over the song Bittersweet Symphony in the late 1990s. Richard Ashcroft from The Ver...
January 26 2020

So You Think You Can Patent Your Invention?
You’ve come up with a great new idea and believe you’re the first person in the world to have that idea. As you start planning world domination, you consider whether you can patent your in...
February 18 2019