Principles of the Companies and Intellectual Property Office of Zimbabwe Bill approved
On 11 October 2022 the Zimbabwe government approved principles to the Companies and Intellectual Property Office of Zimbabwe Bill. The Bill aims to speed up ongoing support for innovation and creativity as Zimbabwe works toward Vision 2023-compliant service delivery and ease of doing business.
It was announced that the Bill will provide for the establishment of the Companies and Intellectual Property Office which “will be responsible for registration and administration of proprietary rights related to companies, other business entities and intellectual property in Zimbabwe”.
The enactment of this legislation will amend several Acts establishing the Companies and Intellectual Property Office of Zimbabwe (CIPZ) including:
- the Copyright and Neighbouring Act (Chapter 26:05)
- the Patent Act (Chapter 26:03)
- the Industrial Designs Act (Chapter 26:02)
- the Integrated Circuit Layout Designs Act (Chapter26:07)
- the Trade Marks Act (Chapter26:04)
- the Intellectual Property Tribunal Act (Chapter 26:08)
- the Armorial Bearing, Names, Uniforms and Badges Act (Chapter 10:01) and
- the Companies and other Business Entities Act (Chapter 24:31).
The approved principles have not been made public. It is envisaged that the bill will attempt to emulate what has occurred in other progressive Africa jurisdictions. However, it remains uncertain whether the Companies and Intellectual Property Office will continue to function as a department under the Ministry of Justice, Parliamentary, and Legal Affairs or if it will have more independence.
For more information on this, see our website article here.
Source : BMatanga IP Attorneys, circular 14 October 2022

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