Africa Network Meeting 2012
On 20 September 2012, Adams & Adams hosted the biggest IP seminar of its kind on the African continent for its partners and network of offices from across Africa. The meeting came at a time when Adams & Adams is focused on harnessing the IP skills it has at its disposal across the continent to provide a better experience and service to its clients. With the world’s attention turning more and more to Africa’s economic development, Adams & Adams, through its network of offices across Africa, is best placed to be the partner of choice in providing services of the highest level in an industry that is essential for economic growth.
The inaugural Adams & Adams Africa Network Meeting was held at our offices in Pretoria, South Africa, and was attended by 50 top IP professionals from 25 countries across the continent. The event was opened by the Chairman of Adams & Adams, South Africa, Dario Tanziani, who welcomed the guests and stressed the importance of forging stronger and more efficient working relationships with our partners and Associate Offices to deliver an even better quality service to our clients.
The guests were entertained by the Adams & Adams Choir before the keynote address was delivered by Mr. Emmanuel Sackey, Head of Search & Examination at the African Regional Property Organisation (ARIPO). Mr Sackey highlighted the importance of the development of intellectual property to the economic development of Africa and how ARIPO was fully supportive of such initiatives by Adams & Adams to coordinate the people responsible for provision of IP services across Africa.
“It is therefore apparent that for Africa to attract investment it is important to put in place appropriate legal regimes for the protection of IP.”
Mr Sackey further highlighted the need for a deliberate IP education policy to be implemented on the continent.
“A deliberate policy on IP education should be cultivated to deal with shortages of expertise in the field of IP in Africa. The education system on IP should have a broad target group inclusive of all the key players in the field of economic development, such as , the Judiciary, policy makers, innovators and inventors, industries, IP Practitioners, etc.”
Before breaking for lunch, various departmental heads and partners of Adams & Adams addressed the delegates on the aspects of their legal area of specialty within IP and also took the opportunity to address practical issues which would assist in the delivery of world class service to our clients and the sharing of information and best practices between IP professionals in the various countries represented at the meeting.
After lunch, representatives from East, West and Southern Africa addressed the delegates and highlighted aspects of interest in the practice and development of IP in their regions as well as the challenges that they faced with their practices.
One-on-one sessions were then held between some of the delegates and the partners and departmental heads of Adams & Adams, before the meeting closed with drinks and a light finger supper.