Angola Registry adopts zero tolerance for delayed filing powers of attorney
The Angola Registry has modified its stance on deadline extensions for filing powers of attorney in trade mark opposition cases, refusing any late filings and deeming it irrelevant to discuss the merits of its decision. The Registry’s internal rules provide that extensions can only be requested once, for 30 or 60 days, as stated in […]
February 8, 2024|
Angola joins DESIGNClass and extends the coverage of TMClass to the Harmonised Data Base
The National Institute of Industrial Property of Angola (IAPI-AO) will use and accept the list of terms from the harmonised database of product indications (HDBPI) in DESIGNClass, as of 30 October 2023. DESIGNClass is an online search tool for harmonized product indications, and offers users the opportunity to search and translate product indications in 30 […]
November 13, 2023|
Angola, Sao Tomé and Principé and Zambia accept and use HBD
The National Service of Intellectual Property and Quality of São Tomé and Príncipe has taken a decision to accept and use the list of terms from the harmonised database of goods and services (HDB) in TMclass as of 12 December 2022. TMclass helps search for and classify goods and services needed to apply for trademark […]
January 16, 2023|
In order to curb misuse of pharmaceutical trade mark registrations, the Angolan trade marks office (IAPI) has issued notice 9/2022 which states that, going forward, all registration certificates for pharmaceutical trade marks in class 5 shall now contain the following disclaimer: “This title grants the right of ownership and exclusive use of the trademark throughout […]
September 14, 2022|
Angola – Changes to Requirements for Powers of Attorney Filed in Angola
In Advisory Notice 4/2021, published on 4 July 2021, the Managing Body for Industrial Property informed the general public that a Power of Attorney should be filed within 30-days of the deposit of an application. The Advisory Notice further indicated that this period may be subject to a single extension of 30-days. Powers of attorneys […]
February 8, 2022|
Angola- Recent rulings in opposition matters
CLICK HERE TO VIEW JUDGEMENT 1 CLICK HERE TO VIEW JUDGEMENT 2 In a decision by the Angolan Trade Marks Office, the South African electricity parastatal, Eskom was successful in its oppositions against the registration of trademark applications 12.419 and 12.420 ESCOM in Classes 35 and 36. The Angolan Trade Marks Office held that the […]
February 7, 2022|
Official fee increase in Angola
It has been confirmed that official fees in Angola are set to increase. The Presidential Decree no. 62/20 authorizing the increase was published in the Government Gazette of 4 March 2020. It has been advised that the new official fees will come into force on 20 March 2020.
March 15, 2020|