Nontando Tusi

Nothing but net – shooting too closely to the 2023 Netball World Cup?

The much-anticipated 2023 Netball World Cup is headed to Cape Town, South Africa from 28 July to 6 August 2023 and will be the first Netball World Cup to take place on the African continent. Hitting the headlines this week was the news that Discovery has withdrawn Vitality as the title sponsor of the event, […]

Africa Ip updatesIntellectual PropertyKelly ThompsonNontando TusiTrade Marks

Back to College at the Supreme Court of Appeal

The Supreme Court of Appeal (SCA) of South Africa recently delivered a judgment in a trade mark infringement case between iCollege (Pty) Ltd (“iCollege”) and Xpertease Skills Development and Mentoring CC (“Xpertease”). The Court found that Xpertease’s use of a mark that closely resembled iCollege’s registered trade mark resulted in a likelihood of deception or […]

Intellectual PropertyNontando TusiTrade Marks