The Department of Transport published a draft Road Accident Fund Amendment Bill on 8 September 2023. The amendment bill aims to make a lot of changes to the way the RAF actually works, but one of the more contentious points is moving away from a compensation model to...
Raznae Narayanasami
Would A Claim For General Damages Fall Away After The Death Of The Plaintiff?
The common law General damages can be described as damages awarded to compensate a plaintiff for any harm suffered as a result of injuries sustained and which includes pain and suffering, disfigurement, emotional harm, permanent disabilities and loss of amenities of...
As an Organ of State, PRASA has an Obligation to Protect Passengers’ Bodily Integrity
Metrorail is the largest operator of commuter rail services in South Africa, with millions of individuals commuting every day. It is also a division of the Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa (PRASA), a state-owned enterprise which is responsible for most passenger...
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