Africa Update 2020 – Eswatini (Swaziland)
Anti-counterfeiting training
During March 2019, at the request of the Royal Swaziland Police, our Anti-Counterfeiting Team met with senior members of the Police to assist in developing and strategizing anti- counterfeit operations throughout Eswatini during April 2019.
This meeting resulted in a Brand Identification Workshop being held with the Police during the first week of April 2019. The country wide operations during the last week of April 2019, focused on food related products, during which in excess of 10000 units of counterfeit goods were seized. These operations were well supported by both the local enforcement authorities and INTERPOL.vc_column_text css”.vc_custom_1599745459448{margin-top: -10px !important;padding-top: 10px !important;padding-right: 20px !important;padding-bottom: 30px !important;padding-left: 20px !important;background-color: #eaeaea !important;}”
- Close ties with neighbouring South Africa provide a boost for the economy
- While land reform is unlikely, much land is agriculturally-productive land and can be used for food exports
- Tourism based on Swazi culture is established and has room to grow
- A corrupt, dictatorial government has a poor human rights record
- The worst-performing economy in Southern Africa with a small domestic market that discourages industrial growth
- Government survives through nepotism and patronage, but civil servants are only one missed pay check away from an uprising

New Plant Health Act to regulate plant pests
The recent publication of the Plant Health (Phytosanitary) Act 35 of 2024 is expected to herald significant changes in South Africa’s approach to the management of plant pests. The Act replaces part...
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Dealing with trade mark infringements on third party websites
We currently live in the internet age, an age where a great deal of economic activity is conducted online. Nowadays, most businesses have some form of online presence in the form of websites. This is ...
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Protecting well-known rights in the absence of deception and confusion.
Introduction Trade marks are meant to differentiate your goods or services from the goods or services of a third party. Sometimes, third parties may seek to take a short cut and turn a quick profit by...
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