Zambia makes trade mark data available online
The Patents and Companies Registration Agency of Zambia (PACRA) has made its trade mark data of more than 60 000 trade marks available online on the TMview search tool from 13 June 2022. TMview now contains data from 77 participating offices and provides information and access to more than 106,5 million trade marks.
TMview was introduced on 13 April 2010 and users worldwide have conducted approximately 102,8 million searches. The most frequent users are from the United States, Spain, Germany, Italy and China.
The integration of PACRA in TMview is a result of the EU funded project “Intellectual Property Rights and Innovation in Africa” (AfrIPI), which is directed by the European Commission and executed by the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO).
Source : Zambia joins TMview | EU Funded IP Projects (

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